Sunday 13 October 2013

12 Angry Men - Movie Review

Director : Sidney Lumet
Screenplay : Reginald Rose
Cast: Henry Fonda, Lee J Cobb. Martin Batsman, Jack Klugman, E.G Marshall, Ed Begley, John Fielter, Josepf Sweeney, Edwards Binns, Jiri Voskovec, Robert Webber, Rudy bond.

    12 Angry men the film noir is an American Drama directed by Sidney Lu met and screen play by Reginald Rose. The whole story begins and ends up in  a Jury room where jury people were on  a discussion to conclude "guilty" or "not guilty" or "guilty". Here the 18 year old boy caught arrested on a suspicion of father's murder. The film briefly demonstrates the jury system followed in america. First round discussion starts with ratio 1:11 (1 for not guilty and others for guilty). In jury system all 12 juries should agree with in  decision whether "guilty" or "not guilty" by "show up hands" or "secret voting". If any one or more disagrees it calls for another round of discussion. Each jury should give his reasonable opinion for why he feeling the victim is guilty or other way round. Director brings before our eyes the happenings in jury room and how things goes around. The juries analyses each possible evidence to come to a conclusion. This is one of the movies with rich content.

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